Corporate governance
Seafire is a Swedish publicly traded limited company, and its shares are listed for trading on Nasdaq Stockholm under the ticker symbol SEAF.
The corporate bodies of Seafire AB consist of the annual general meeting (AGM), the board of directors, the CEO, and auditors.
Seafire AB applies Swedish company law and the regulations arising from the company’s listing on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Additionally, the provisions in Seafire's Articles of Association are followed.
The responsibility for corporate governance in Seafire, in terms of management and control, is shared between the shareholders at the AGM, the board of directors and its committees, and the CEO. Seafire applies both external and internal governance instruments to ensure good corporate governance. External governance instruments include, among others, the Swedish Companies Act (2005:551), the Annual Accounts Act (1995:1554), Nasdaq Stockholm’s listing rules for listed companies, and the Swedish Corporate Governance Code (the Code). Internal governance documents include, among others, the Articles of Association, the board’s work plan, the CEO’s instructions, and the audit and remuneration committees’ charters.
The Code applies to all Swedish companies whose shares are listed for trading on a regulated market in Sweden. The company is not obliged to comply with all of the rules in the Code but may choose alternative solutions if they are deemed to better suit the circumstances in a particular case, provided that the company openly discloses any such deviation, explains the alternative solution chosen, and provides the reasons for this (the "comply or explain" principle). If Seafire deviates from any rule in the Code, this will be disclosed in the company’s Corporate Governance Report.
Seafire prepares its Corporate Governance Report as part of its annual reports, which are available here: